What Every BODY is Saying Audiobook: Listen, donwload and review

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What Every BODY is Saying by Joe Navarro, Marvin Karlins

What Every BODY is Saying is a book by Joe Navarro that teaches readers how to interpret nonverbal behavior, navigate social situations, and spot deceptive behaviors. As former FBI counterintelligence officers, Navarro shares insights from his professional experience to help readers better understand body language and its implications.

Overview of the book

The book provides a comprehensive guide to understanding nonverbal behavior. It explains how to interpret nonverbal cues and behaviors, such as facial expressions, eye movements, hand gestures, and body postures. By delving into the ancient survival instincts that drive body language, Navarro showcases the importance of looking beyond the face to gauge a person’s true feelings.

Interpreting nonverbal behavior

Navarro explores how certain nonverbal behaviors can reveal confidence, establish trust, and communicate authority. He provides techniques for “speed-reading” people, decoding their sentiments, and avoiding hidden pitfalls. By understanding these nonverbal cues, readers can gain greater insight into the thoughts and intentions of those around them.

Looking beyond the face

The book emphasizes the role of body language in influencing others’ perceptions of us, from bosses and colleagues to family and friends. It highlights the fact that the face is the least likely place to gauge a person’s true feelings. Instead, Navarro guides readers to pay attention to other nonverbal cues, such as thumbs, feet, and eyelids, which can reveal moods and motives.

Techniques for speed-reading people

Navarro provides practical advice for effectively using body language to project confidence, build rapport, and establish trust. By mastering these techniques, readers can improve their communication skills and navigate social interactions with greater ease.

Practical advice for various social interactions

“What Every BODY is Saying” offers practical tips for interpreting body language in different contexts. Whether it’s in the workplace, with friends, or during important conversations, understanding nonverbal behavior can help readers navigate social interactions more effectively. The book provides real-world examples to illustrate key concepts and offers guidance on applying these insights in everyday situations.

Summary and value of the book

In summary, “What Every BODY is Saying” is a comprehensive guide to understanding nonverbal behavior and using body language to navigate social interactions. While some listeners found the book repetitive and the narration monotonous, many appreciated the valuable insights shared by Navarro. The book offers practical tips for interpreting body language and provides real-world examples to illustrate key concepts. It is a useful resource for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of nonverbal communication.

Download What Every BODY is Saying Audiobook for Free

If you’re interested in exploring the content of “What Every BODY is Saying” further, you can download the audiobook for free. The audiobook allows you to listen to the book at your convenience, whether you’re on the go or prefer the auditory learning experience. By downloading the audiobook, you can delve deeper into the topic of nonverbal behavior and gain a better understanding of how to interpret and utilize body language to your advantage.

Listen What Every BODY is Saying Audiobook

In addition to downloading the audiobook, you can also listen to “What Every BODY is Saying” directly. Listening to the audiobook allows you to absorb the valuable insights and knowledge shared by Joe Navarro and Marvin Karlins. The audiobook provides an immersive experience, enabling you to grasp the nuances of body language and enhance your understanding of nonverbal communication. By listening to the audiobook, you can expand your knowledge on this fascinating topic and develop essential skills for interpreting and utilizing body language effectively.


How can I access the “What Every BODY is Saying” audiobook?

To access the “What Every BODY is Saying” audiobook, you can either download it for free or listen to it directly. You can find the audiobook on various platforms or websites that offer audiobook services. Some platforms may require you to create an account or provide your details, while others may offer direct access or streaming capabilities.

What is the duration of the “What Every BODY is Saying” audiobook?

The “What Every BODY is Saying” audiobook has a running time of approximately 7 hours and 24 minutes. This duration allows listeners to immerse themselves in the content, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter conveyed by the authors.

Can I listen to the “What Every BODY is Saying” audiobook on multiple devices?

Yes, many audiobook platforms and services offer the flexibility to listen to audiobooks on multiple devices. Whether it’s your smartphone, tablet, computer, or dedicated audiobook device, you can enjoy the audiobook across various platforms. Simply download the appropriate app or software for your device and log in to your account to access the audiobook.

Are there any additional resources or materials available with the “What Every BODY is Saying” audiobook?

Yes, when you purchase or access the “What Every BODY is Saying” audiobook, you may find accompanying reference materials or resources that enhance your learning experience. These additional materials can provide further insights, examples, and exercises related to the content of the audiobook. Be sure to explore any supplementary materials available to enrich your understanding of the concepts discussed in the book.

What Every BODY is Saying by Joe Navarro and Marvin Karlins is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding nonverbal behavior and utilizing body language effectively. Through the audiobook or free download, readers can gain practical knowledge and insights that can be applied in various social interactions. By mastering the art of reading body language, individuals can strengthen their communication skills, build rapport, and navigate social situations with greater confidence.

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